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Monastery and the church of St. Mary is bult on a picturesque land on the Island of Zvernec, on the edge the Narta lagoon. The church is surrounded by monastery
grounds.buildings with traditional architecture, with a loft on the second floor that opens to the church. It is of the cross type, with dome with narthex as well as the exonarthex, of an open porch on the north side, which have been added later. Naos has the shape of the cross in planimetry, with the eastern and western flanks longer than the other two flanks, norther and southern. At the bottom of the eastern flank, it is the absida. The altar part is seperated from the naos by a carved wooden iconostasis with floral and zoomorphic figures. Cylindrical arches hold the weight of the dome above the drum, rising above the spherical triangles. Zvernec Church is a building of rare architectural value, where the builders have achieved this through proportions and treating facades harkada, wall fragments through the arms of the cross and the dome above the drum that underscore verticality, which balances to some extent the extension of narthex.

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