Muzeu Historik dhe Arkeologjik ndodhet ne qender te qytetit ne nje godine mjaft te vecante, e cila eshte ndertuar ne vitin 1918 nga mjeshtra vendas. Deri ne vitin 1939 ka sherbyer si godine e Bashkise se qytetit. Ne vitet e mevoneshme ne keto ambiente ka punuar organizata e masave deri ne vitin 1962.
Qe prej 1962 ne kete godine eshte vendosur Muzeu i Relikeve Historike dhe Arkeologjike.
Ne ambientet e muzeut ndodhen gjithashtu objekte orgjinale qe i perkasin periudhes se antikitetit dhe mesjetes, mes tyre perfshihen dokumente orgjinale per qytetin e Vlores arme, sende luftetaresh te shquar te historise.
I konceptuar ne pasqyrimin e momenteve me te rendesishme te historise jane vendosur ne pavione te vecanta, sipas kronologjise:
- kontributi i popullsise te Vlores per shpalljen e pavaresise,
- perpjekjet per perhapjen e arsimit ne gjuhen shqipe
- Lufta e Vlores 1920
- levizja demokratike e qershorit 1924.
- Aspekte te luftes se II Boterore
- Aspekte te ndihmes se popullsise vlonjate per hebrenjte.
Nga zbulimet dhe germimet e bera ne rajonin e Vlores, ne muze mirembahen dhe ekspozohen objekte te periudhes se neolitit si; objekte stralli qe i perkojne fundit te mijevjecarit III dhe fillimit te mijevjecarit II, objekte te tjera te kesaj periudhe jane cekic guri te gjetura ne shpellen e Skotes dhe shpellen e shkruar etj.Objekte te vendbanimeve te lashta si Orikut, Amantias etj., pasurojne ambjentet e Muzeut tone.
The historical and archeological museum is located in the center of the city, in a very special building, which was built in 1918 by local masters. Until 1939 the building served as the City Hall. In the next few years, these facilities were used by the civile society until 1962. Since 1962 and on the museum of H & A Relics was placed in this building. In the museum are well maintained objects of Neolithic period that are found from the discoveries and excavations made in the region of Vlora. These objects include like flint objects that match the ending of the III millennium and the beginning of the II millennium. Other objects of this period are stone hammers that are found in the Skota Cave and the Written Cave, etc. Objects of the ancient habitats as Oriku, Amantia etc, enrich the areas of our museum. In the museum areas are also found original objects that belong to the ancient and medieval periods, among them are included original objects for the city of Vlora such as weapons, items of distinguished warriors of our history, etc. Conceived in the coverage of the most important moments of our history are placed in the special wards, according to the chronology:
-The contribution of the people of Vlora to the declaration of Independence
-The efforts to spread education in Albanian language
-War of Vlora in 1920
-Democratic movement of June 1924
- Aspects of World War II
-Aspects of the assistance from the people of Vlora to Jews
FG64+J59, Vlorë 9401, Albania
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