Ne qender te Vlores se vjeter, midis ndertesave te kompleksit muzeal, ne rrugen Justin Godard, ndodhet nje godine e mesit te shek. XIX, e shpallur monument kulture, ne te cilen eshte vendosur Muzeu Etnografik. Ne vitin 1908 ne kete godine u formua klubi patriotik “Laberia”, me kryetar nderi atdhetarin e madh Ismail Qemalin. Ne vitin 1982 me rastin e 70 vjetorit te shpalljes se Pavarsise se Shqiperise ne ambientet e kesaj godine u vendos Muzeu Etnografik. Ky muze administron ne fondin e tij nje numer te konsiderueshem objektesh, te cilat perbejne vlera te perzgjedhura te kultures materiale te Vlores dhe rrethinave te saj. Hapesirat e muzeut jane konceptuar te ndara ne ambiente, ku jane pasqyruar objekte te ndryshme. Keto pavione pasqyrojne veprimtarine e perpunimit dhe prodhimit prej metali, druri, qendistari, endje, peshkim, veprimtari blegtorale tradicionale, prodhim te vajit te ullirit, veres etj. Nje pjese te rendesishme te fondit, e zene veshjet tradicionale sipas krahinave, te cilat mbartin ne vetvete vlera te vecanta, si per nga menyra e perdorimit dhe e paraqitjes se motiveve. Keto veshje i perkasin nje periudhe 70-100 vjecare. Ne te gjitha keto punime bie ne sy trashegimia e pasur artizanale e popullsise se krahinave tona.
In the center of ancient Vlora, through the museum complex, in Justin Godard street, it’s placed a building, built in the mid XIX century, declared cultural monument, in which is located the Ethnographic Museum. In 1908 in this building, the patriotic club “Laberia” was formed, and honorary chairman was the great Ismail Qemali. In 1982, on the occasion of 70 anniversary of Independence of Albania, at the premises of this building was put the Ethnographic Museum.This museum manages its fund a considerable number of objects, which represent the value of selected cultural material of Vlora and its villages. The museum areas are designed to be divided in exhibits, where various objects are presented.An important part of the museum’s fund is taken from the traditional outfits of the provinces, which carry special value in itself, not only for the manner of use but also for the presentation of the motives.These outfits belong to a period of 70 -100 years old. In all these works, it catches the eye the rich craft heritage of our provinces population.These exhibits reflect the activity of processing and manufacturing of metal, wood, embroidery, weaving, fishing, handycrafting, traditional farming activities, production of olive oil, wine etc.
FFCR+VMW, Vlorë, Albania
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